Weekly Kids Phone Zap for Palestine
Weekly Kids Phone Zap for Palestine

Join us on Mondays for a Kids’ Weekly Phone Zap for Palestine!

Starting today, Monday, April 15th, we invite Toronto’s kids and their families to voice their opposition to genocide and the forms of colonial governance that bred it by leaving messages of refusal for their elected officials.

Recognizing that true liberation cannot be achieved through participation in colonial political and justice systems, we nonetheless heed calls by Palestinians to use all possible means to keep up the pressure for a permanent ceasefire and an end to the occupation. Kids have a vital role to play in this moment, letting so-called political leaders know that their complicity in genocide will be remembered and resisted for generations to come.

Join other kids across the GTA in calling their local MP’s offices and voicing dissent. Overwhelm their voicemails and staff with your favourite rally chants. “Free Free Palestine!” “Arms Embargo Now!” “Hey Hey, Ho Ho, The Occupation’s Got to Go!” Tell them that “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free!”

Check out @tofamilies4palestine for age-appropriate suggested scripts to get you started and contacts. Tag us in your examples of Tkaronto kids voicing their demands for a “CEASEFIRE NOW!” using #kidszap4palestine and we will share in our stories.


3 months ago (event.recurrent_1w_days)