Here We Are: Familial Nakba Narratives & Art-Making
Here We Are: Familial Nakba Narratives & Art-Making

Registration link here

🌻 after reflecting on the limitations of this medium, I was inspired to host an event where I share my familial nakba narratives and what’s happening to my cousin + family members 🌻

🌻 @dasrathariel will be leading somatic exercises throughout the storytelling as the content may be activating 🌻

🌻 we’ll end with a craft activity to gently decompress and connect with each other 🌻

✨ we’re intentionally curating an intimate + cozy space, pls register to secure your spot ✨

✨ for safety, the venue will be sent via email to registered ppl 24 hrs bfr the event ✨

✨ poster drawn + designed by @actualtwoey


Doors Open : 6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Storytelling: 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Sarah narrates familial stories as Ariel guides somatic exercises between the storytelling.

Crafts: 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Evening concludes with "Make Your Own Handala" activity

3 months ago
Kensington Market
Toronto, Toronto, Golden Horseshoe, Ontario, Canada